December 26, 2008

Video Scandal

I used to have a rumored video scandal before. When I first got that information from a friend, my world just paused for a moment. Then I started thinking of the very few people I had sex with that I never had a relationship. And next thing I was thinking was, what if it's true. Then what if the people I know finds it and watches it. Grrrr!!! Scary!

Good thing, when I had the chance to see the video, it wasn't really me. Not that I deny, but it really wasn't me. The guy has an eagle tattoo which I don't have. Or never had a henna of an eagle. And believe me, if it was me, I will admit it. It's a famous thingie, you know. Hehe.

In my very discreet and uptight PLU life, I rarely get engaged to these encounters. As I always believe that sex should be done with someone you love. Plus the fact that aids is just scattered anywhere. I know, it's old school. I don't know, it's just who TL really is.

People has this certain perception already that all PLUs engage in to sex very casually, which is very true for most. But that is not for TL. Although not to clean my closet, I had few encounters with some guys which I thought I will end up having a relationship with, but after doing it for the sake of his urge, and for me to somehow test the water, I lose the spark and finish the chapter right there and then.

Sex is sex. It's part of our system. But it does not need to eat your desires. For TL, it will be taken as a dessert, that in a meal, I could still live without it. Nice if you have, but it's okay if it's not served. And for me to do it with camera taking each action, nahhh!!!

To end this post, I just want to say that I keep a video scandal about someone who is kinda known at work. But I will not reveal who that person is. It's for me and two of my friends at work to know it. Hehe.

Ingat! (Biogesic mode with John Lloyd's hand wave)

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