February 3, 2009

So I made a CHOICE

I just faced a challenging part of my life and invested every ounce of my will power into it. I had nothing, yet I gave everything there is to give...


To do a favor for myself.

Getting the things that you want in your life won't give you peace of mind. Instead, it will make you more thirsty for adventures and risks. Yet, no matter how parched I have become since that day, I have discovered that I am still a slave of fear. I guess it runs in my blood. The voice of that part of me that has been beaten down by the shits of life echoes in my consciousness, telling me to take it slowly, to not rush things, to let everything fall in its proper place, in its proper time.

But the warrior part of me, the survivor part of me, the man in me fights the voice back. For no matter how hard I try to convince myself that everything happens in due time, I know that nothing will happen unless you make it happen. Although the wiser part of me is interested in teaching me a lesson of patience, the part of me that has the breathing soul, urges me to jump and take the plunge.

I have never been the patient type. I have always been the stubborn one, the impulsive one. Can you blame me? I was born to live and I will die trying to live the life that I want.

A few hundred more people will come to teach me lessons but I shall take no rest in pursuing what I want. On that day, I made a choice. And that choice has left me no regrets. It gave sad markings in my heart, but I know, I strongly know, that this will pave way for something better to come in to my life. I sure know.

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