January 22, 2009


When someone walks away from your life, the best thing to do is to let them go. Why? Because your destiny is never tied to anybody who leaves you. And in reality, it doesn't mean that they are bad people. It just means that their part in your life is over. Although you may not understand this in the beginning, but eventually, you'll realize it when things are finally over.

Truth is, we can love someone and just be happy about it even if we know that it cannot last forever. But we have to put in our mind that it is not about having someone, neither about owning a relationship, but about being happy because you know you have loved someone.

There is always a purpose and meaning behind all events and these develop you as a person and a lover. Although you will really have to pass the difficult stages of getting over a past relationship. It sucks, especially in the beginning, but you'll get through it.

Mistakes are part of our lives. Some are done unintentional, some are painful when they happen. They make you realize what you had, what you've lost, and what you've taken for granted. But years later, a collection of mistakes is what we call "Experience".

And these experiences will lead us to making the right decisions, and good judgements in the future. They are the one who will also makes us realize that sometimes there are no next times, no time outs, and no second chances.

When things go wrong as they sometimes will, and when the road you're trudging seems all uphill, and you want to smile but you have to sigh, and when care is pressing you down a bit, take a rest if you must, but never, never quit!!!

In this life, we may feel tired of fighting for the same reason everyday. We may feel that everyone is moving so fast leaving you far behind. And we may feel that there's no point of moving on. Yes, there is no certainty in life. But it's not how fast you get there, but it's on how you played the game. Sometimes, it's better to be like a turtle who patiently moves and enjoy every step of the way, rather than a rabbit who runs so fast and missing every simple single detail in life.

Life is indeed full of contradictions. Sometimes, it's crazy to be sane. You need to fall to fly. You have to learn to know the lesson. You have to give up because you are strong. You have to be wrong to make things right. Nonetheless, life's complexities are also life's source of beauty. We should cry to laugh again, fall apart to be whole again, and get hurt to love again.

Not all stories has a happy ending, like what happened to me. I thought I have a beautiful script. But it ended the hard way. (In my part). I even said to myself that I can't let go of hurt because it's a constant reminder of one love story I never expected to come to an end.

But I realized that endings does not mean that I should stop. It became a way of telling myself that there is a new beginning ahead of me, that I really deserve. That I should always be ready for the unpredictable and expect the unexpected. I realized that it's easy to fall but hard to get up and be back on the track. But I know that after the storm, I will be a much better person than before. That's the way of life. You don't live it, you learn from it.

This is what I've said to myself: "I had let go of what I thought I owned... It hurts... Yes... A lot actually... But getting through each day made me realize that the world will just keep on turning and I have to continue breathing even if that person is not around... So I got to move on... Face the world after that person ruined it... And prove that I can be better than what that person used to have in me..."

There are still many things that can happen in your life after a painful relationship. Time will come that you will realize that the people you meet have a purpose. Some were put to test you, some would use you, and some would bring out the better, if not, the best in you. Some may even cause you pain and heartache, but one must learn to move on. That's M.O., and it means Moving On......

As they say, love has its own reason, destiny has its own way, and karma has its own judgement. If you became happy with the wrong one, how much more when the right one comes along.....


Anonymous said...

OH NO. Wala na kayo? :(

Mac Callister said...

"If you became happy with the wrong one, how much more when the right one comes along....."

-- I like this part of your post,I will definitely remember that.hehe

seems you ended a relationship ha...anyway many fish pa in the sea

Mac & Hubbee said...

No comment Kuh :)

Mac, dami ngang fish eh. Tamad naman ako mamingwit. Hehe.