June 13, 2009

Birthday Entry V: Zue Ann Zapanta

Date submitted: June 12, 2009

Marco… Marco… Marco…

“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…”

I love Marco for being one of my truest friends… Months can go by without any contact but I know you are just a call, text or buzz away… I hope you know I am the same to you…

I love Marco for our instant connection… How did we become friends? It was one fateful day when we ate lunch together and started talking and... Voila! A friendship has blossomed. The bond was formed… In an instant I found a confidant, a brother, an adviser, and a friend for life, all rolled into one!

I love Marco for being my anchor… During those times when we drew our strength from each other… Those times when I needed a source of strength to thrive on… You were there to hug me… One glance at you and you were there to lift my spirit…

I love Marco for being who he can never be… I find comfort in knowing that in our friendship there are no complications… I can be as sweet and as quirky as I want to without giving any mixed signals… No confusions… Just friendship at its purest, truest form…

I love Marco for everything he is to me… Every win… Every goal you achieve, I will be part of the crowd who will keep cheering you on… Every wrong turn, every failure… I will still be the friend you’ve always known…

Happy Birthday, Marco! I love you… Stay happy! God bless you my dear...

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