June 15, 2009

Birthday Entry XVIII: ItchyWorm

Date Submitted: June 16, 2009

I stumbled onto TL’s blog months ago by accident, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Mind you, I’m no big fan of blogs especially the anonymous ones, but TL’s was clearly different-- It wasn’t about some forlorn HIV-positive Aussie dumped and swindled by his conniving ex (that was good stuff though).

And it never had pictures of naked men peddling their “massage” services (nothing wrong though with a massage once in a while to de-stress hehe). And it wasn’t some trashy litany of the author’s 500+ sexual encounters. It wasn’t any of that, and yet it’s become a daily habit, mainly because JAMES (yes we are on first name basis now, it’s his birthday after all) is as REAL as it gets I think.

We connected on a common crush at the gym, the extremely delectable Richard. Okay, more like we became co-stalkers but who’s keeping track?? James still owes me an explanation as to how he managed to discreetly get that yummy pic of R., but clearly this birthday celebrator is resourceful and cunning!

As I followed his blog, you get a better glimpse of his personality: he’s FUN, MABABAW, and yes CRAZY as the title suggests. But it’s really his unabashed HONESTY that keeps me reading day after day. You can tell when he’s had a good day or when he’s down in the dumps. Whatever mood he’s feeling that day it always manages to come out in his manic writing.

At times I feel like I know him very well even though we’ve never met face to face (maybe it’s because he wants ice cream when we do meet! Demanding!??) .

We’ve had some entertaining exchanges on his site, and he’s become almost familiar – like someone you’d feel close enough to travel with (only instead of his travel companion, you’ll just end up being official photographer!). So strangely enough, through no fault of my own, I made a friend in the most unlikely of places.

Today I opened his blog and found an entire slew of birthday entries and I was shocked –- only because I had not made mine yet! Of course I knew the DAY was tomorrow but that didn’t stop the PANIC… This is why I never became a writer professionally because I absolutely hate deadlines.

So James, I want you to know that I stopped working for over an hour (yes I’m slow, but I get the job done) just to rush this to you, because I always try to keep my promises. Have a wonderful Birthday, and always remember that you must be an AWESOME guy, because you got 18 people (at last count) to take time out to salute you in print, and one of them may be faceless and goes by the last name Worm, yet thinks as highly of you as the other 17! Cheers!

Ps. I’m still WAITING for that explanation about the pic! No ice cream til then! Hehe

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