June 16, 2009

Birthday Entry XXIV: Raech Quintos

Date Submitted: June 16, 2009

Panic Attack - I started working on my entry for your blog last Sunday but up to now, I still do not know where to begin. Initially, I decided to start my piece by telling everyone how we met or how long it has been since we became friends. But then again, I’m sure someone else had already used that introduction. Time is running out. I know I have to start somewhere, so here it goes.

I love you - I hope that you have not once doubted how much I love you. Although I must admit, I was never your typical friend to begin with. I am glad that after all these years; we managed to keep our friendship intact. I love how you put me in my place. I have learned to be considerate of other people’s feelings. Although I am still brutally honest, I was able to find a different channel, a way where I can still speak my mind but without offending others.

Once, you told me to take the bull by its horn and I have, well, most of the time, at least. Each time I falter, you remind me to be tenacious. When I feel the need to retaliate, you would tell me to wait for the right time; you would always tell me that I don’t have to lift a finger because karma is on its way.

Forgive me – I know how difficult I can be towards some of your decisions. I hope you know that I am only trying to protect you from people that could possibly hurt you. And why, you ask? Because as much as I hate to put this in writing for everyone to read, you are trusting, very kind and always tries to find the good in people, almost to a fault.

When you love, you love unconditionally - body, heart and soul. I saw you at your worst and most irrational state, and although you never asked me to, I somehow took it upon myself to be your cynical, “bad cop” type of friend; for you to visualize and anticipate what’s on the other side of the coin.

I love you, I hate you – Your name will always be associated with drama, flair and all that jazz, in my book. I know everybody loves attention; but at times you go overboard. Although it is entertaining, it can also be annoying. At one point, if you remember, you became overly dramatic that I had to bring you back to your senses. You have the tendency to be too caught up in your own little world; oblivious to what matters the most.

The Bitch In Me – You know all too well that I do not fancy some of your friends. I just don’t trust them. Some of them, in my opinion, are scheming hyenas, waiting for their prey. Lurking and waiting for you to make that one mistake that would eventually cause your downfall.

No, James, I don’t want to keep you all to myself because first of all, that’s just plain sick and second, because next time I might not have the will or enough reason to restrain myself from pulling their hair and sticking it inside the shredder.

I love you more today than yesterday – I have lost count of the times when you would try to rationalize things for me, your attempts to calm me down. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that patience is not one of my strongest virtues. Yes, I am still impatient and quick tempered but with your guidance I was able to keep it to a minimum (or so I think).

How you would console me by showing me the silver lining even at the darkest of clouds. You introduced me to the person that I am now and frankly, I like the new me (still noisy though). Remember, when you stayed with me on the phone even though you can barely understand a word I said because I was too busy being hysterical?

James, I will never fully understand your ability to love someone as much, to be honest I am still in awe at how easy it is for you to jump in and enjoy the bliss of being in love. No inhibitions, ready to take the plunge and enjoy the thrill of the ride.

Although you just turned 28, at times, I still see you as an innocent child, as if all these years, you never saw the world as a cruel place. Somehow, it seems you are looking through the eyes of a child where kindness and love and everything that is good, prevail.

530 Days, 8 hours and 45 minutes. That’s how long we’ve been friends.

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